Hands Free!!

Hands Free!!

Bierhaus March 19, 2016 Castro Street , Mountain View CA

powered by Google

Hello peeps, so I was in Mountain View and as I walked into a bar, I found a couple of ladies who were handing over a promotional flier for hands free app.

What is ‘Hands free’?

Hands Free is a new trial app from Google that allows you to make in-store payments without ever reaching for your phone or wallet.They  are currently running a limited public pilot in a small number of stores in the South Bay.

So here is an app that allows users to pay ‘hands free’? That’s right: it doesn’t even require you to pull out your phone.

How does it work?

The Hands Free app uses Bluetooth low energy, WiFi, location services, and other sensors on your phone to detect whether you are near a participating store. This enables you to pay hands-free, without fumbling with your phone or opening the Hands Free app.

When you are ready to pay at a store, simply tell the cashier “I’ll pay with Google”. The cashier confirms your identity, using your initials and the photo you added to your Hands Free profile.

This technology detects the phone as the user walks into the business. In this case I visited bierha.us in Mountain View and to my pleasant surprise here was the experience.

All I did:

  1. I downloaded the app
  2. I went to the cashier and they asked my initials
  3. They  already knew in their system that it was me based on my profile picture

The future is here

Looks like what we have seen in Sci fi movies is already becoming a reality. Look at 2002 Tom Cruise’s Minority Report where a similar concept was delivered.

Here is some pictures of my visit..